Heritage Open Day – Watford Parish Churches and historic homes open to the public in Watford
St Michael | All Angels | Holy Rood Roman Catholic | St Marys Tombs
Every September some 40,000 volunteers across England organise 5,000 events to celebrate our fantastic history, architecture and culture.
Heritage Open Days is a festival that celebrates England’s fantastic architecture and culture by offering free access to places that are either normally closed to the public or charge for admission.
It’s your chance to see hidden places and we made videos of the wonderful curches so that you can have a preview of what you can expect to see.
Tombs Graves at St Mary’s Parish Anglican Church
Holy Rood Roman Catholic Church
St Michael & All Angels Church
Dorothy Thornhill, Elected Mayor of Watford. says “The Open Day weekend gives us open access to many of the buildings and structures that have so much local historical significance, which becomes increasingly important to us as our town changes and grows.”
Visit heritageopendays.org.uk