Bus-gate CCTV cameras to come into force in Watford High Street in April
Cameras have already been installed in High Street at the junction with King Street and will start operating from April 4.
The cameras use automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) to enforce the new bus gate restrictions.
Buses, taxis and pedal bikes can enter the High Street from King Street at all times and loading vehicles may enter to use designated bays, during the times loading is permitted.
£60 fines will be issued to contravening drivers – reduced to £30 if paid within 14 days.
Watford Borough Council say the new scheme has been introduced to help reduce traffic, improve safety, enhance the air quality and support people to walk, shop and cycle locally.
It will be trialled for up to 18 months, with residents, businesses and disabled drivers being asked to provide their feedback during the first six months.
There are also plans being developed to provide up to an additional 20 blue badge parking spaces in George Street, Church Street, King Street and Wellstones by converting some taxi bays and other unused space.
Residents can find out more at www.watford.gov.uk/busgate (web page will be available from the 4 April).