
Hemel Pub closed by Police after serious complaints from residents

pub closed

Hemel Pub closed by Police after serious complaints from residents

A pub in Hemel Hempstead which became a hotspot for chronic anti-social behaviour has been issued with full closure order by Police.

The Tudor Rose public house on Long Chaulden received several complaints from nearby residents in recent months is now off-limits.

Evidence was gathered by Dacorum’s Community Safety Unit (CSU) working in partnership with their Safer Neighbourhood Team colleagues and the Dacorum Borough Council’s licensing team who achieved a full closure order application.

The order was then granted at St Albans Magistrates’ Court on Friday 4 February – stating that the pub must remain closed, after the landlord was found to be operating without the appropriate authority or staff in place.

The closure prohibits anyone entering the premises. Only the pub’s owner – Stonegate Brewery – and their sub-contractors, utility companies in an emergency and the emergency services. Anyone who caught breaching the order could be arrested and fined, imprisoned or both.

Sergeant Mike Saunders, from the CSU, said: “On 25 February the current landlord’s tenancy ends and Stonegate Brewery have told us that they are closing the site for around six weeks while refurbishments are carried out and a new landlord is appointed.

“They have assured us that the new landlord is someone they know and trust, who has a wealth of experience in the management of licenced premises and dealing with any potential issues that might occur. We hope this result will provide some respite from the ongoing issues suffered by neighbours and improve their quality of life.

“The Tudor Rose is part of the community and Stonegate have assured us that they are working hard to ensure that this pub becomes a focal point again, but this time for all the right reasons.

“Our Safer Neighbourhood Team colleagues will continue to regularly patrol the area, but in the interim we have asked neighbours to report any potential breaches of the order to us as soon as possible so we can take further action if required.

“Everyone deserves to feel safe and happy where they live, and no one should be subjected to the type of behaviour that was witnessed earlier this month. If you show no respect for your neighbours, then you can expect to be the next target for us.

“If you have information about anti-social behaviour in your area, please don’t hesitate to report it to us. We will take it seriously and we will do all we can to prevent it.”

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