
Last day to have your say on policing in Hertfordshire


Last day to have your say on policing in Hertfordshire

Today is the last day when the public consultation closes on how much you pay for the policing precept part of your Council Tax.

You can read more details on my budget proposals in the attached open letter.

Before I make the final decision I want to hear your views on policing in Hertfordshire. Please complete this short survey www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/precept2022.

You can send any comments to your.views@herts-pcc.gov.uk by midnight on Friday 14th January 2022.

To support the continued growth of Hertfordshire’s largest ever police force I am proposing to increase the precept by £10-a-year for an average Band D property (this equates to about 20p a week), with those in other bandings paying more or less. Hertfordshire’s precept remains one of the lowest in England and Wales.

The additional money will see the already record officer numbers rise by another 90 plus another 20 Police Community Support Officers to ensure a strong neighbourhood policing service is maintained; this is in response to the public’s wish to see more police officers on the street.

Reducing violence against women and children is also a key priority in my planned budget for the next financial year. The increase will meet inflationary pressures and cover a pay increase for officers and staff, following a pay freeze in this current year.

However, I want to ensure that the police will work smarter and make full use of technology to provide a service which is quicker, easier and more accessible to the public. New systems will allow the public to send live video-streams to officers and the force control room when they call 999 or 101 and send digital evidence online.

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If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address: your.views@herts-pcc.gov.uk

David Lloyd
Police and Crime Commissioner

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