Ex Langleybury Pupils got to visit school for last time ahead of demolition to make way for Movie Hub
Hundreds of Ex-pupils of Langleybury School received an invite for one day only. Pupils got to visit the school for memories ahead of demolition to make way for Movie Hub

Langleybury School Alumni Organiser Stuart Nagle said “I’m pleased everyone who attended the visit to Langleybury today enjoyed the visit and had the opportunity to bump into a few old faces… I hope some of you, or all of you, also took the opportunity to go have a pint or something else, and reminisce…

The weather was sunny blue sky.
Afterwards, some went to Kings Lodge in Hunton Bridge for a drink or meal.

Permission was granted to allow the ex-pupils to walk inside the 3 storey mansion with so many rooms. A video is being made of the visit.

Langleybury Mansion: A proven, established and hugely popular filming location with the flexibility to provide a blank canvas for a range of period film and television projects.

A Film Hub representative at the tour said “The school is beyond maintenance, the heating has a very old and failing boiler room, the buildings leak and are not energy efficient. Our plan is to flatten them and start a new one.
Expansion of the backlot will move nearer to the M25 where there is already noise from traffic.
The Film Hub application is now valid.
The planning application (ref: 22/1945/FUL) has now been validated by Three Rivers District Council and can be viewed here