
Herts police superintendent jailed for possession of extreme porn


Herts police superintendent jailed for possession of extreme porn

A former police superintendent from Hertfordshire Constabulary was today (09 November) jailed for an offences of computer misuse and possession of extreme pornography.

Stuart Cheek, 43, appearing at Aylesbury Crown Court pleaded guilty to matters was given a 12-month custodial sentence.

He was suspended on July 27, 2020 as investigations started on offences that took place after Cheek had joined the force, which he only resigned from the force in June 2022.

The case was referred to the Independent Office for Police Conduct for associated misconduct allegations were then investigated by the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Professional Standards Department (PSD).

Cheek joined the constabulary in February 2018 and was initially posted to St Albans.

He then got posted to the force’s Domestic Abuse Investigation and Safeguarding Unit. He even got promoted to superintendent and placed within the force’s Community Safety and Crime Reduction Unit based at Police Headquarters in Welwyn Garden City.

Assistant Chief Constable Matt Nicholls said: “This has been a difficult case and the judge spoke today about Cheek’s lack of remorse throughout. The public quite rightly expect the police to uphold the highest standards and, in this instance, when matters came to light, an investigation was immediately launched. The actions of this former officer are totally unacceptable and betray the trust that was placed in him by this force. I hope that our robust and zero tolerance approach reassures the public that swift action will always be taken when allegations emerge.”

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[…] Stuart Cheek, 43, who worked in Welwyn Garden City, resigned from the force in June. He pleaded guil… […]

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